Global Pet Expo: Join Koda's Party Wednesday, and Pie Tasting Contest Thursday
Booth #1,000 is hosting the party, and friendly competition, you don't want to miss.
A PARTY with SERVICE BEAR KODA on Wednesday 2:30-4: we sing/howl at 3pm sharp. Pups will share in the celebration with games, cake bites and Pup-POP Celebration Hydration, while humans use their thumbs to enter to win a Lazy Dog Gift Basket at 4pm! ENTER TO WIN:
A Pup-PIE tasting, and Pup-POP tasting competition on Thursday 2:30-4: come by during that time and give your vote for favorite flavors. Pups get to actually taste, humans let us know what you'd prefer, and enter to win a Lazy Dog Gift Basket at 4pm! ENTER TO WIN: