Unleashing the Healthy Life: The Incredible Benefits of Oats for Dogs
As dog owners, we are always on the lookout for the best diet to keep our furry friends healthy and happy. One food staple that's gaining recognition in the canine world is a humble grain - oats. Just as they do wonders for human digestion and heart health, oats have numerous benefits for dogs. But are they just another trend, or is there some truth behind the claims?
A Bowl of Nutritional Goodness: Oats
Oats are a nutritional powerhouse, packed with essential nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. So, what makes oats a great food addition for our canine companions? Here are some of the key benefits:
Improving Digestion: The rich fiber content in oats aids digestion, helping prevent constipation, bloating, and other digestive issues in dogs. They're also beneficial for dogs with bowel irregularities, providing the necessary roughage to create bulk that stimulates bowel movements.[1]
Boosting Heart Health: Chock-full of antioxidants, oats help promote heart health. They contain avenanthramides[6], antioxidants unique to oats, which are known to lower blood pressure levels by increasing the production of nitric acid. This gas molecule helps dilate blood vessels, leading to better blood flow. Oats are enriched with beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that is known for its cholesterol-reducing properties, also supporting cardiovascular health in dogs.[2,3]
Fueling Energy: Oats are rich in carbs, providing a steady release of energy. This makes them an excellent treat choice for active dogs who need that extra boost of vitality.
Skin and Coat Health: Thanks to the rich concentration of Vitamin B and other essential minerals in oats, they possess the ability to nourish your dog's skin and coat. Consistent intake can result in a more radiant and healthier coat. [4,6]
Promoting Immunity: Did you know that oats have immune-boosting properties too? They are rich in antioxidants which help to reinforce the immune system, keeping your furry buddy robust and resilient. [5]
A Bite into the Science of Oats and Dogs
While the benefits of oats for humans are well-documented, can we say the same for our four-legged friends? Numerous scientific studies suggest oats are not only suitable but also beneficial for dogs.
A research collaboration between Tufts University and The Nutro Company indicates that dogs could digest cooked oats more comfortably than many other types of grains. The study concludes that oats provide a superior nutritional profile per calorie which outweighs other cereal grains, making them an excellent choice for dogs.
This mirrors earlier research published in the Journal of Small Animal Practice, suggesting that oats could protect gut health in dogs, primarily by feeding the beneficial bacteria in the gut – a factor essential for overall wellbeing. (sources not publicly available)
Our exploration into the benefits of oats for dogs shows us that this humble grain is more than just a breakfast staple – it's a superfood waiting to be integrated into our pets' diets safely.
Whether it be for better digestion, heart health, or a much-needed energy boost, oats serve up a host of benefits for our canine companions. To bring about a positive change in your dog's life, it might be time to consider treats containing oats!
Please check directly with your vet before making any major changes to your dog's diet. It's always important to ensure nutritional changes are suitable for your pet's specific health condition and lifestyle.
Looking to treat your dog to a gourmet experience that is also health-packed? Lazy Dog's got you covered! With the majority of our treats containing either rolled oats or oat flour make your pups treat time pawty time! We offer a wide array of oat-infused treats, from our soft baked Mutt Mallows®️, to our celebratory Pup-PIE’s®️, Pup-PIE & Ice Cream Inspired Slices dripping with flavor and select flavors of our Treat them with Love®️ crunchy cookies!
What Is Fiber and Why Does Your Dog Need it in Their Diet?:
https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/nutrition/what-is-fiber-and-why-does-your-dog-need-it-in-their-diet/ -
Cholesterol-lowering effects of oat β-glucan:
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21631511/ -
Oats and CVD risk markers: a systematic literature review:
https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/british-journal-of-nutrition/article/oats-and-cvd-risk-markers-a-systematic-literature-review/9FD80920F8374A3015F4FED6C23E006A -
Vitamin B for Dogs:
https://www.purina.co.uk/articles/dogs/health/daily-care/vitamin-b-for-dogs -
Importance of Antioxidants for Dogs:
https://vetericyn.com/blog/importance-of-antioxidants-for-dogs/ -
9 Health Benefits of Eating Oats and Oatmeal: