Invite them to the Lazy Dog Party: Affiliate Marketing Guide
The Lazy Dog Cookie Co. is excited to announce an affiliate marketing program for 2025. The rules are
simple: Sell at least $100 (total sale) worth of product in a 90-day period, through your affiliate
code, and you’ll get the next seasonal bundle for free.
ANYONE who makes a purchase using your code gets 20% off any purchase, at any time. We will be
creating drool-worthy bundles of product, and marketing campaign pushes that you can use to boost the
brand across your own networks. We encourage you to utilize user-generate content, interactions,
cobranding, tags, and any other creative ways you see fit.
If you are joining us as an affiliate in 2025 you’ll get a bundle in January for free to get us started. Then, on
the 17th of April (for the first 90-day period) we will look at the sales through your code for the prior 90
days and immediately send you an awesome bundle.
Also, if you sell $200 in 90 days you get two big bundles, if you sell over $300 the reward will switch to
commission for 20% of every dollar over $300 you sell through your code. You can stock your own
cupboards with all-natural delicious treats, gift to those pups you know and love, create celebrations near
and far using the products, collaborating with local adoption/competition/training/hiking and other
groups who would love to join us in celebrating together.
To be as successful as possible we have a few ideas you might consider:
1. Make a calendar of the birthdays of all the pets in your friend and family circle. Remind those
humans the month prior to use your code to order a nice birthday bundle. We can provide you
with an email header that is nicely designed that you can then email, along with your link, before
the month of the pups on your calendar.
2. You could do these same things for your local doggie daycare or beloved boarding place or
groomer or sniff spot, etc. Making all of the pups feel special for a birthday or adoptiversary or
holiday or just any day.
3. We highly encourage you to reshare and repost the content that we provide on our socials along
with your own affiliate link, to post more frequently and in addition to your own generated
content. We find that those who post across their own channels at least 2-3 times weekly FAR
surpass everyone else in sales. And please continue to interact with our posts, as this amplifies
YOUR own personal reach across audiences!!
4. Partner in thoughtful ways with local places where pets hang out – groomers, daycares, parks,
vets, doggie daycares, etc. – and offer them your discount code with a tag on social as well!
lazydogcookies.comThe Lazy Dog Cookie, Co.
Partnering with places where you can offer 20% off EVERYTHING at ANY TIME is quite the easy
way to sell and treat your own pups for free!!
5. With this new program setup, you can text and email your link/code others as well, it’s not just all
about socials anymore, it’s just about sales. Creating a QR code on a little postcard that links to
your site is a good way to hand humans the option to include their pets in events. Please ask us if
you need help with a QR code design on a card and we’d be happy to create that for you.
If you need an affiliate code, please click on the brand ambassador link on our site:
Questions or concerns please let us know: